Friday, June 18, 2010

DUDE!!!! you dont have FACEBOOK???


is it a crime not to have a facebook account?
is it uncool not to have a facebook account?
is it a must to have a facebook account?
is it wrong not to have a facebook account?
is it not humanly possible not to have a facebook account?

ive been asked, ridiculed, snickered, snorted, made fun off, (kana ucap kuno)
and amongst other things.....dont i have my own opinion? dont i have my own rights? do i need to follow what the pact is doing? cant i be alpha? jeezz...
i mean dont make me say philosophical things like "the people are stupid, the individual is unique".....TOO EACH THEIR OWN.. DAMNIT

even my blogging style, do i have to follow others? i said, what i wanna post, ill post it. ..if you have a facebook account, great for you, hurrah hurrah,
but dont drag us into it..OKAY!!! what you choose to do with your facebook account is up to you, it doesnt concern us,it doesnt matter to us (somewhat).. its your way of staying connected, business, gossiping, bla bla bla... but please for the love of god, dont ridicule those people that dont have facebook, possibly we have other methods of social networking, or time and life management.. its not a necessity..its a pleasure...c'mon people be considerate, some of us chose not to jump on that wagon for a reason, no reason or even dont even know about it..
if it sounds harsh, its our piece of mind/peace of mind (its counts for 2)..
if youre hurt by this post, well, think about this, we were also hurt by your being prejudice of people not having facebook...



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